
Welcome to my website. I design knitwear and crochet patterns, as well as create knit and crochet based tutorials!

2016 in Review and 2017 Goals

As someone who rarely keeps "New Year's Resolutions," I actually quite enjoy taking a look and seeing how I did.  It's very fulfilling to see whether or not I managed to uphold any of them (especially since I actually have to go search for them... so clearly, I forget them soon after making them) ;o)  So, without further ado, here were my 2016 resolutions:

1. I proved to myself last year that I could get at least six patterns published in one year (I had ten published in 2015!), and so why not continue that? While I could tell myself I want ten published patterns again, I hate the idea of pressuring myself to the point where I could burn out. I think six is a nice attainable number, giving me an extra month here or there for catching up, or taking a break, if it’s needed. :o)

Well, I went back and reviewed my patterns for 2016, and I ended up having a whopping fifteen patterns published this past year!  These include firsts such as:  first time published in Knitscene, first time published in knit.wear, first sweater pattern, first time modeling for a magazine (and I had two patterns in the issue, also!), and first time vending at a fiber festival (Chuck was designed specifically for the fair!).  I am thrilled and shocked to have had so many patterns come out.  I'm proud of the fact that I not only managed to make this goal, but to have surpassed it.  :oD  

2. Knit for fun, again.

Did I manage this?  Yes, and no.  I managed to have bursts of time where I was able to knit freely, but there were also bursts of time where I was unable to work on anything except for designs.  

3. Reclaim SO MANY needles and project bags.

Again... I feel like I did not accomplish this exact sentiment.  Did I finish some UFOs?  Yes.  Did I add right back to them?  Yes.  Soooo, while I did finish a bunch of projects (#theufoproject on Instagram), I did also start many and not finish those in 2016, as well.  In fact, from my rough estimate of 40 from last year, I may have actually bumped it up to closer to 50.  Eeks!  Definitely out of control!  

4. My last goal of the year is to reduce. It appears that I continue to move into smaller and smaller spaces, and yet I continue to hold onto many things because they “seem useful” or are somewhat sentimental.

This one seems funny because I have managed to move yet again into an even smaller space than the one I was talking about in Jan 2016.  Since 2016, I have, indeed managed to reduce down.  I hope to manage to reduce down a smidge more from here!  We fit into our small space, but if I could tame things down a bit more, then the place would not feel as cramped.  

So, what do I hope to achieve in this new year?  Let's take a look!

1.  Continue to design.  Ten designs my first year serious year of designing, and fifteen in my second year of designing is amazing.  Do I think I can keep up this trend, though?  Not really.  I aim to, once again, have six new patterns come out this year.  If I manage to surpass that again, then I'll be thrilled, but I definitely do not want to burn myself out with unrealistic goals.

2.  Seriously, let's get those UFOs under control!  When looking at projects that aren't new designs, then I will be looking at those UFOs.  Better watch out, UFOs!!  ;op

3.  Actually finish moving in.  In May 2016, we moved into a cute little condo that we love, but it's been hard to feel perfectly comfortable in, seeing as there are still boxes that we haven't finished unpacking.  Part of this is space.  Less space = less storage.  

In the past month, there has been significant shifts towards actually getting them out and finding places for all of our things.  The last few boxes are being real pests because we need to reconfigure pieces of our apartment to get them unpacked.  However, to be down to just the last few boxes has been a real undertaking that I'm not ashamed to say I'm proud of!  I'm going to make it a goal to continue this trend!  

Do I have other goals for the new year?  You betcha.  However, those three goals are the ones that I want to be held accountable for, so I'd love for you to keep me honest.  Feel free to poke at me and ask if I've picked up a UFO if I post about a new non-design that I've cast on for!  

Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?  Do you typically try to?  

Time Flies

Pattern Releases: Maclure, Nabesna, and Kaiyo!