Hi All! I am so excited to be working on a collaboration in conjunction with Cory from Indie.Knits, Ariel from Stariel Knits, and Sharon who is the mastermind behind Stitchjones (taking color to eleven since 2008)!
I have the honor of knowing Sharon for almost as long as she's been dyeing yarn. It is always exciting to see what inspires her and what new colors she comes up with. When Cory, Ariel, and I started talking about doing a neon inspired design challenge, I knew that Stitchjones was definitely the dyer for us. When asked, not only was she thrilled to work with us, but she also gave us the honor of even helping to develop our own colors! :oD While I love all colors, pink and green are my true loves, and when it comes to neon, I think that green may just barely edge out pink (what a shock!!) just barely. Blame highlighters, I suppose. ;o)
my personalized color!
Each of us have come up with a themed mini interview with Sharon, and mine was anything to do with fiber.
N: I know that different fibers take on dyes differently. You were suggesting we use your Merino Sock or Mersey yarns because the 100% superwash merino takes on neon well. Can you elaborate a bit about that? What other lines do you have that you think would be good for the colors in our set?
S: I was concerned about being able to rise to the challenge and deliver a true neon, and have always loved the high impact of bright acid dyes on pure superwash merino. But that's not to discount how well Titanium merino-nylon superwash base takes dye! It showcases intense colors beautifully. I would say I strongly suggested a pure merino because neon is all about "pop", and that was my first choice.
N: What is your favorite fiber (either actual fiber or yarn fiber content) to dye, and why?
S: After years of experimentation with many different fibers and blends, when it comes to dyeing fiber for spinning, I like to offer my customers Bluefaced Leicester and Rambouillet combed top - these breeds of wool take my colors as nicely as merino, they're soft, and I obtain them from local suppliers. My favorite fiber content in dyeable yarn is far and away superwash merino-nylon blend. Besides the reflection of deep color, it seems to be the easiest for me to produce predictable, repeatable results.
picture borrowed from the internet of a Blue Faced Leicester sheep!
N: Do you have a favorite yarn from your lineup to knit with? What types of items would you suggest knitting with this line, and what properties about the yarn/fiber content make it a good fit for the items?
S: My personal favorite is Pai Mei Sock for its softness and shine. The bamboo gives it a luxurious softness and shine reminiscent of silk but less expensive. Shawls and tops knit in this yarn will have a lovely drape, and its easy care also makes it an excellent choice for baby knits.
picture borrowed from Stitchjones' Pai Mei shawl
N: When you first launched Yarnageddon, I remember how excited you were to be able to offer luxury yarns at a more reasonable cost to your club members. What have you learned through the club, now that it has been out for a few years now?
S: Great question! I've learned so much since launching my yarn club, and have made quite a few adjustments as I discover what customers are looking for in an ideal yarn club package. What it taught me as a dyer, is that while I love the true "luxury" fibers such as silk, cashmere, alpaca et cetera, they tend to mute my colors and make production dyeing with accuracy more challenging. While I still strive to give my club members the best value and highest quality for their investment, the experience has taught me that I can create the most beauty as a dyer with the more workhorse type of fine yarns.
An aside from me: Stitchjones' Yarnageddon is truly an amazing yarn club, and her luxury fibers, as well as her standard fibers are fabulous. :o)
Thank you, Sharon, for your insightful answers. :o) I am in love with my neon green in Merino Sock, and can't wait to get started on my design!!
Read about color inspiration on Cory's blog here!
Read about dyeing and being a part of the knitting community on Ariel's blog here!